Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Witch Essay Example

The Witch Essay Miss Goodson was a teacher at West End primary school. She was a very kind woman, who never shouted and never needed to. Everyone liked Miss Goodson; she always seemed fair about arguments, homework, and other aspects of school life. She was a very pretty woman in her twenties and lived alone, and she was fond of a very special kid, Simon Smith. Simon Smith was one of the kids of class 4 in Miss Goodsons class. She adored him. He was like a long lost son she never had. In fact, it wasnt long ago that Miss Goodson adopted Simon as her very own. Simon lived in a home for kids with no parents. He was a very nice boy who was matched with Miss Goodsons personality. The story starts in a small cottage in the suburban area of Little Kingside. The quiet area was not very far away from the school and it was easy for Miss Goodson to get to and from her work. The mornings during school were an everyday living timetable. Everyday Miss Goodson got up, had a shower and cooked breakfast before waking up Simon who needed waking two times. Simon would spend 15 minutes getting changed before coming downstairs to the table for breakfast, which was the daily bacon sandwich and orange juice to wash it down. Miss Goodson took good care of Simon and made sure he wasnt in need of anything. We will write a custom essay sample on The Witch specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Witch specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Witch specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They walked to school together everyday, which took a brisk 15-minute walk. Simon held his mums hand as they walked the quite countryside streets. Everyday Simon and his mum used to pass a businessman who walked in the opposite way to his work. He was a smart man about twenty-five years old and always used to say a good morning and what a lovely day it was. Simon noticed his mum always used to talk to this man. Simon liked this man a lot and had always wished for a dad as well as a mum. As they carried through the path to school, Simon always used to pass the Witchs house. All the kids at school talked at sleepovers and rainy days inside the classroom about this house. The story was about a boy who used to be in the class above Simons. He was a very nasty boy and used to scare girls and beat up anyone he liked when he got bored. No one liked him and everyone was scared of him. Then one day this mean boy didnt come to school. He was off for a week or so and no one knew what happed to him. Eventually a teacher announced that the boy was last seen at 13 Neverland Avenue and wont be coming back. His friend however said that a witch turned him into a frog. By the time Simon recapped the story of the Witch, he was at school and met with his friends. Hi, Simon said his best friend Andrew. Hi Andrew replied Simon who was still thinking about the house and was a bit dazed to Andrew. Whats the matter Simon, you look like youve seen a ghost? No, its just I went past the Simons voice turned to a whisper. Witchs house whispered Simon. Oh, what you mean the witchs house said Andrew in what seemed the loudest voice in the classroom. Shhhh Andrew do you want the whole class knowing? said Simon in a desperate whisper. Sorry apologized Andrew. Anyway, I was just thinking what happened to that boy. What you mean, David Gobbis? Is he the one who went missing? Simon questioned. Yeah, apparently he was turned into a cat and kept as a pet! No, thats not what happened, Cathy butted in. Cathy was Simons other best friend. He was shrunk and fed to the Cruncher downstairs, explained Cathy. Whats the Cruncher? asked Simon. Its the biggest, scariest, monster with the sharpest teeth youve ever seen. It eats little boys and girls, but they have to be shrunk otherwise the monster cant fit him or her into his mouth answered Cathy. Thats not true said Andrew he was turned into the witchs cat. No he wasnt Yes he was Andrew and Cathy argued until Simon stopped them. Listen, LISTEN! shouted Simon. The whole class fell silent and Simon was the centre of everyones view. Sorry Simon said quietly. At lunch the conversation continued. I want to find out what happened said Simon. You cant go in there, you wont come back! pleaded Cathy. Ill come with you, Simon said Andrew. Well if you two are going then I am said Cathy. No you cant youre a girl said Simon and Andrew together. Cathy ran off in a humph. We better say sorry said Simon No, just leave it replied Andrew. Shell get over it. The next day Simon got up as usual and asked his mum if he could go to Andrews house after school. Sure, but make sure you are with Andrew all the time and dont go anywhere said Miss Goodson. The school day was over before Simon and Andrew knew it. They both ran to Andrews house as fast as they could. Andrews house was just behind the school. They both got changed and made their way to the Witchs house. Mum Im just going to the corner shop, ok said Andrew to his mum. Sure honey, but come back before its dark replied Andrews mum. Andrew and Simon took a short cut to the witchs house. They waded through the long grass of the short cut and came to the house. The house was a Victorian style house with an upstairs and was shaded by the long branches of the elm trees that leaned over the house. It always appears in the shade, which made the house look even more peculiar. The front lawn was covered in uncut grass and was about two and a half feet long. It looked like it hadnt been cut for years and covered the path to the house. There seemed no entry route for this reason so our adventurers waded through the grass. Arent there grass snakes in this grass? asked Andrew. Dont be such a wimp Andrew. Just follow me. Said Simon. As they approached the door, Simon stood still and listened. There was no noise at all apart from the distance dog barking from a couple of houses down the road. Simon reached for the door handle that was covered in spider webs. As he gripped the door handle, his had started to sweat a very cold sweat. He eventually opened the door and inside he could see that this house was empty. As he wondered in a bit more inside, he saw many brown boxes full of books and clothes. They were scattered all over the rooms. He came to a room with no light switch. It was completely dark. He went to light the candle with a match he found. He had done it lots of times before and he knew how to light a match from his mum. As he lit the candle, he carried it across the room to a box full of stuff. He wanted to find answers to the questions that came up in his mind. He knew it was stupid coming here, but he needed to know what happened. As he searched through the belongings, he came across a photo. The photo had dust covered over it and as he blew the dust, Andrew sneezed. aa,aa, aachooooooo! Can we go now Simon, I dont like this place? Im scared. Pleaded Andrew. Just a bit longer Andrew, I want to know what happened. In this photo frame, he saw two boys, a little boy and a big meaty boy. The little boy resembled someone he knew. It was as if he knew him. He wondered for a while then realised it was getting dark so he turned to leave. As he turned to leave he dropped the candle. Suddenly the whole room burst into flames. There was no option, but to back up into the room. Simon grabbed Andrew and pulled him back. Help, help, help were trapped! Somebody save us. Simon, Andrew is that you said Cathy as she answered Simons prayer. Cathy quick get some help. Theres a fire. Ok Ill be as quick as I can with that, Cathy disappeared and left Simon and Andrew. Simon I cant breathe Andrew remember our fire practice. Stop, drop and roll and always stay down when there is smoke. They both lowered their heads and stayed as low as possible. It took another five minutes until Cathy came back to the house. With a nudge, the door burst open and there stood Simons hero, the man that he met on the way to school. The man came through the flames, using the door as a shield. He quickly grabbed Simon and Andrew and opened the window and helped Simon and Andrew through. They were rescued and a fire brigade soon came to the rescue of the house. Simon said thank you to the man and his mum came up behind him. Oh Simon Im so glad your safe, dont ever do some stunt like that again, Simons mum gave Simon a great big hug. Simon was still wondering about the boy in the photo. Then all of a sudden, it came to him. That photo was of him. He soon realised that it was a picture of his family and the meatish boy was his brother. So, theres the end of the story. Simon found out he had a brother and soon was reunited with him. His brother David was adopted into Miss Goodsons family and everything was sorted and everyone was, but one thing was left out. Thank you for saving my son, youre too kind. If theres anything I can do for you just ask, said Miss Goodson to Simons hero. Well there is one thing you could do for me. You can come to dinner with me tomorrow night, and with that there was a kiss and Simon found a new dad.

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