Monday, December 30, 2019

Analysis Of The Of A Fragile Wavering Candle Light

Sebastian Hurd Candidate no.:4250 IGCSE Reading Coursework SEC Compare and contrast the ways in which ‘Disabled’ and ‘Out,Out-‘ focus on youth and death. ‘Out, out, brief candle! Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more’. This image in Shakespeare’s Macbeth of a fragile wavering candle light is a metaphor for how fragile and brief the free spirit of life is. ‘Out, Out-‘ is a poem by Robert Frost that describes the accumulation of events that leads to the death of a young boy that has lost his life under unfortunate circumstances. Additionally, ‘Disabled’ by Wilfred Owen describes a wounded soldier’s life that had drastically changed as of a result of the†¦show more content†¦Brevity and fragility is shown through how this form reflects that the boy’s life ends after a short read for the reader and how it ended very bluntly. This shows us that the boy’s life is short whereas death is unexpected for him as it is sudden and quickly over. The use of setting emphasises this idea. The ‘sunset far into Vermont’ where the poem is set is timeless unlike the short and blunt life of the boy. The reader may see the scenery as a sign of the prospect of life but this idea is quickly diminished. Furthermore, the repetition of conjunctions at the beginning of the eighth to tenth line such as ‘and’ and ‘as’ shows the routine of the boy’s life and that he knows what is expected of him. It is as if there he has memorised his list of chores and he is reading them off in his head. Fragility is shown through how his death is unsuspected and how abruptly it came on him despite it seeming he had experience and is accustomed to his job. ‘Disabled’, however, uses stanzas which are very similar in size that switch from his experiences before and after the war. This use of this regular form reflects brevity and fragility as it shows the contrast of his former happy life to his ‘dark’, ‘grey’ new life. This allows the reader to compare and contrast his life before and after the war which in the course of the soldier’s life is very brief. After the war, the soldier looks

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Alexander Hamilton Vs. Thomas Jefferson - 887 Words

Hamilton vs. Jefferson During the Revolutionary- Federalist Era, politics, parties, programs, policies, and people made an enormous difference in how the new nation should be structured and run. During this era, two men in particular championed politics and their respective parties. These two men were Alexander Hamilton, a Federalist, and Thomas Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican. Both Hamilton and Jefferson were successful college educated intellectuals and politicians who made significant contributions to the development of the United States policies and programs. However Hamilton, despite never being elected President, had more influence over the development of the United States’ policies and programs during the†¦show more content†¦Hamilton’s vision for the United States economy became true as manufacturing in the North was supported. Hamilton continued to show his financial prowess while serving as Secretary of the Treasury under Washington. In this position Hamilton proposed i deas such as a National Bank, which served as a mint, and a National Debt, allowed for the creation of credit speculation thus involving the interest of the wealthy in the success of the country, which proved to be very successful in boosting the nations economy. Jefferson on the other hand, while president, decided to let most of Hamilton’s old policies to simple expire under him only to be reinstated after his presidency. Aside from fiscal policies, Hamilton’s importance and influence in the development of the United States in areas such as constitutional interpretation was more so than Jefferson’s. After Hamilton had proposed a National Bank, Jefferson and others proposed that what Hamilton’s plan was unconstitutional. Jefferson a strong believer in strict interpretation of the constitution found Hamilton’s National Bank unconstitutional, on the grounds that it overstepped government responsibilities and the incorporation of a bank was not desc ribed in the constitution (Doc Q). Jefferson, an advocate for states rights, feared too strong a government and believed strict interpretation of the constitution wouldShow MoreRelatedAlexander Hamilton Vs. Thomas Jefferson1289 Words   |  6 Pages Selina Lewis October 17, 2014 Government Ms. Bishop Alexander Hamilton vs. Thomas Jefferson During the ratification of the Constitution of 1787, the Federalist and Anti-federalist views created tensions and barriers between the two. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Succubus Shadows Chapter 16 Free Essays

string(30) " this had to happen some day\." Really, when you thought about it, what I was going through wasn’t that much different from dying after all. They always said you saw your life flash before your eyes, and that’s how it was for me. Dream after dream. We will write a custom essay sample on Succubus Shadows Chapter 16 or any similar topic only for you Order Now I relived the most painful moments of my life, true dreams where I’d done terrible things and seen terrible things done to those I loved. More â€Å"realities† that had never happened were shown to me as well. In one, Roman’s recent display of affection turned out to be a scam. It was a front to punish me for my role in the death of his sister. Only, he didn’t go after me directly. He went after all my friends, mortal and immortal. I watched him kill them one by one as he ignored my pleas to just finish me off instead. The Oneroi latched onto how I was bothered more by the suffering of those I loved than of myself. They mocked me, claiming that Roman’s rampage was a vision of the future that had come through the gate of horn. I didn’t believe it†¦at least, I didn’t think I did. Nyx could see the future. Could they? Or were they maybe in contact with her, despite her imprisonment? My higher reasoning was giving way to paranoia as I was stripped further and further of my essence. I even began to dread the true dreams from the mortal world, the ones that showed me my friends. They were no longer a comfort; they only plunged me further into darkness. Because as the Oneroi had predicted, there seemed to be no hope of rescue in sight. Still, I kept dreaming†¦. Roman, Hugh, and the vampires were in a van. Peter was driving, and the clock on the dashboard read two o’clock in the morning. No one spoke in the small space, giving me no clue as to what was transpiring. Their headlights illuminated a sign along the freeway that indicated an exit for Idaho State Route 41. Idaho? â€Å"Can you change the station?† asked Hugh. â€Å"I hate talk radio.† â€Å"Because you might learn something?† asked Peter. â€Å"Because I’m trying to stay awake.† â€Å"It’s a rule of the road: driver controls the radio.† â€Å"What rule book says that?† â€Å"Enough,† said Roman. His voice was weary, his face more so. He looked like he hadn’t been sleeping much, but considering the time of night, that wasn’t a surprise. He unfolded a map and then checked a piece of paper with some notes scrawled on it. â€Å"It should be the next exit.† â€Å"How’d Carter even find this guy?† asked Cody. â€Å"Because Carter moves in mysterious ways,† said Hugh. â€Å"Hard-drinking, hard-smoking mysterious ways.† â€Å"Yeah, but if he knew, why didn’t he tell Jerome?† â€Å"Because Jerome would go into blasting mode if he found out. I guess Carter was keeping it on the down-low as some sort of compassionate act. He’s an angel and all.† â€Å"Oh, right.† Cody seemed to have forgotten about that. It was an easy mistake. â€Å"Jerome’ll blast us too if he knows what we’re doing,† warned Peter. â€Å"He’s too distracted. He thinks we’re just following a vampire lead.† â€Å"That’s the point,† said Peter. â€Å"If he finds out we lied to him – â€Å" â€Å"He won’t,† interrupted Roman impatiently. â€Å"Not if we just get what we need from this guy and get out of here. This is it – take that exit.† Hugh veered off onto what hardly seemed like a road at all. It had no businesses and only one streetlight to illuminate an intersection, just before darkness swallowed everything. Roman continued giving directions, steering them farther and farther into the countryside. â€Å"You can’t do anything to him,† said Hugh, craning his head to look at Roman in the backseat. â€Å"Show any flare of power in another demon’s territory, and you’re dead – probably along with the rest of us.† â€Å"Do you think I’m stupid?† demanded Roman. â€Å"Not exactly. But I do think you’re short-tempered, have poor impulse control, and would do anything for Georgina.† I expected Roman to deny all of that – or at least the last part – but he said nothing. Silence fell again until Roman at last pointed to a narrow gravel driveway. It was so hard to see that Peter drove past it, squealed the brakes, and backed up. They parked near the driveway’s end and began walking up it. I saw then that the back of the van had blacked-out windows, and it was a safe bet that the vampires’ coffins were likely back there in case daytime travel was required. Out here in the middle of nowhere, stars clustered the sky, and night insects rained down a symphony of chatter. The faint outline of a house appeared. No lights were on within. â€Å"Can we do it SWAT team style?† asked Cody eagerly. â€Å"Surround the house and swoop in?† â€Å"I don’t think that’s necessary,† said Roman. He gave the door a sharp kick. It shuddered but didn’t come close to breaking apart action-movie style. Keeping his nephilim powers in check meant he had the same abilities as a human. Peter sighed. â€Å"Let me.† He took Roman’s place, repeated the kick, and this time the door did burst in and break apart. With their goofy attitudes, it was easy to forget sometimes that both Cody and Peter had super fast reflexes and enhanced strength. Peter stepped back, brushing splinters off his pants. The foursome entered, and a light turned on in the back of the house. â€Å"What the hell?† a voice demanded. What the hell, indeed. Dante entered the room. He took one look at my friends and said, â€Å"Oh, shit.† Then he bolted back toward the room he’d come from, no doubt heading for a window. He was too slow, though. In a flash, Cody had Dante by the scruff of his shirt and dragged him back to the living room, shoving my ex-boyfriend into a chair. Dante immediately started to rise, noticed how my friends had closed rank around him, and then thought better of it. Dante sighed. â€Å"Well, I knew this had to happen some day. You read "Succubus Shadows Chapter 16" in category "Essay examples" Why didn’t your boss come himself?† He peered at Roman. â€Å"And haven’t I seen you somewhere?† Dante had seen Roman on a beach when we rescued Jerome from the summoning. There’d been a fair amount of chaos, so I wasn’t surprised Dante’s memory was sketchy – especially since he’d been beaten up by a demon. â€Å"We’re not here because of Jerome,† snapped Hugh. Then, he reconsidered. â€Å"Well, we are, but not for the reasons you think.† â€Å"Answer our questions, and you might live another day,† said Peter. Apparently, the action-movie theme was still going strong. â€Å"Where’s Georgina?† demanded Roman. It was interesting that every time my immortal posse interrogated someone, they phrased the question that way first, instead of, â€Å"Do you know where Georgina is?† When you worked for Hell, everyone was guilty until proven innocent. Dante’s face lost some of its fear and took on its usual cynical look. He tossed messy black hair out of his face. â€Å"In Seattle, sleeping with that fucking writer.† â€Å"No,† said Roman. â€Å"She’s not.† â€Å"She’s not what? In Seattle or sleeping with the writer?† Dante arched an eyebrow. â€Å"And who are you exactly?† â€Å"The muscle,† said Hugh dryly. â€Å"Georgina’s gone. Vanished. And if anyone’s got reason to make her disappear† – he paused and glanced uneasily at Roman – â€Å"it’s you.† â€Å"I’m not the kind of magician that pulls rabbits out of my hat. Or makes them disappear.† Dante was growing more and more confident, now that he knew Jerome wasn’t going to send him to the torture pits of Hell. â€Å"If you can’t find her, ask your archdemon. Unless he’s been summoned again, he’ll know.† â€Å"He doesn’t,† said Cody. â€Å"But maybe you already knew that.† Dante rolled his eyes. â€Å"You think I’m going to go anywhere near Seattle when there’s a price on my head? Do you think I’m hiding out in the fucking sticks because I want to? The best I can do is sell charms and fake fortunes to tourists in Coeur d’Alene.† â€Å"Carter should have come with us,† said Hugh in exasperation. â€Å"He should have known that too after sending us here.† Dante stiffened, his arrogance faltering. â€Å"That angel knows where I am? Then Jerome has to know.† â€Å"He’s keeping it from Jerome. For now.† Peter was still using that melodramatic voice. â€Å"That can change if you don’t help us.† â€Å"I don’t know where she fucking is, okay? I told you: I can’t make a succubus disappear.† Roman’s hand closed around Dante’s neck in a fair approximation of Jerome. Even without supernatural abilities, Roman was still strong. â€Å"You’ve worked with immortals before. You could do it again and have them do the dirty work.† â€Å"I show my face to any immortal, and I’m a dead man,† choked Dante. Roman fixed Dante with a dark glare that reminded me of the time Roman had tried to kill me. And when he had killed me in a recent Oneroi dream. At last, Roman let go. Rubbing his neck, a puzzled Dante asked again, â€Å"Who are you?† Cody glanced at the others. â€Å"Do you think he’s lying?† â€Å"Wouldn’t surprise me,† said Hugh. He crossed his arms across his broad chest. â€Å"But maybe you can be useful. What could make a succubus disappear?† â€Å"What’ll you give me for helping you?† asked Dante slyly. Yes, that was my ex. Always looking for an advantage. â€Å"We won’t call Jerome,† growled Peter. This time, the anger in his voice was not faux movie style. It was real, again a reminder that at the end of the day, he really was a vampire who could break necks easily. This sobered Dante up. â€Å"Fine. Not that I care what the fuck happens to her. How did she disappear?† Again, the story was recounted, something that was beginning to depress me – largely because everyone seemed to emphasize just how depressed and miserable my life was. â€Å"It’s a lure,† said Dante with certainty. â€Å"We know that,† said Roman. â€Å"Erik told us.† Dante scowled at the mention of his nemesis. â€Å"Of course he did. It’s a wonder you need me with his almighty wisdom at your disposal.† â€Å"What would lure her?† said Peter, no doubt interrupting Dante from asking again who Roman was. â€Å"All sorts of things,† said Dante. â€Å"Anything could create a lure, but visions like that would most likely be tied to dreams. Did you guys lose Nyx again?† â€Å"No,† said Hugh. Dante shrugged. â€Å"Then look for something else that can control dreams, maybe try a – â€Å" I stood in the village I’d grown up in. The transition was so abrupt that I was dizzy for a moment. There hadn’t been a transition, no fragmenting of the image or a fade to black. It had been a quick movie cut. A bad editing job. I stared around, seeing again the place that had caused me so much torment. I wondered what else the Oneroi had to show me here and why I’d come here so suddenly. I’d already relived the false wedding accusations. At one point, they’d even had me dream the true story of how my infidelity had led to me selling my soul. I was probably now in store for some new contrived horror. The world spun around me, the buildings and people moving around in rough-spun clothes dizzying me. â€Å"Are you all right?† a voice asked. Turning around, the scenery settled a bit and I found myself looking into the face of an ancient man. Bushy eyebrows stretched across a heavily lined brow, nearly obscuring dark brown eyes. â€Å"Yes†¦I’m fine.† I frowned and did a double take. â€Å"Gaius?† Those eyebrows rose. â€Å"Have we met?† I stared, unable to speak for a moment. I’d known Gaius since the time I could walk. He was a blacksmith, the brawniness of his arms proving as much. But he’d been young the last time I’d seen him, a man in his prime. With no control, words spilled off my lips, words I’d spoken before when I’d lived this event the first time. This was a true memory. So far. â€Å"We met a very long time ago,† I said. He chuckled. â€Å"Girl, I’d remember you. And ‘a very long time ago’ could only have been a few years for you.† I became aware of my body, knowing what I looked like even without a mirror. I had shape-shifted just before entering the village, taking on a form I had sworn I would never, ever wear again. And, in fact, after this day, I never would wear it again. I was in my original body: fifteen-year-old Letha, too tall with thick, tangled black hair. I’d come here to find out something. Something I had to know. I gave Gaius a weak nod. My old self had been as shocked as my current self at what time had done to him. How long since I’d become a succubus and left my village? Thirty years ago? â€Å"Can you tell me†¦is there a man here – a fisherman – named Marthanes? Does his family still live here?† â€Å"Sure,† he said. â€Å"Same house they’ve always been in, out past the – â€Å" â€Å"I know where it is,† I said quickly. He shrugged, not minding my interruption. â€Å"He’s probably down at the bay, though. He’s too old to still be working but swears his sons-in-law can’t get by without him.† Sons-in-law. Of course. My sisters would have gotten married long ago. â€Å"Thanks,† I said. I began to walk away. â€Å"It was nice seeing you again.† He gave me a puzzled look but said nothing more. I walked toward the bay, where the water glowed with such a vivid, teal-tinged blue that it seemed to be some Technicolor vision. Surely nothing in nature could produce such beauty. Longing and nostalgia welled up within my watching self. The town was busy at midday, and I recognized more faces than I expected. Children I’d known grown to adulthood, adults I’d known now in their golden years. The waterfront was just as busy, with ships loading and unloading goods that made commerce in the Mediterranean boom. It took me a while to find my father, and here, I earned more looks than I had in the village. Women were rare in this district, choosing to avoid the rough sailors and workers. I located my father largely because of his voice, shouting orders just as he had in my youth. â€Å"Are you trying to cost me a fortune? What do you do out there all day? My granddaughter could catch this many fish wading by the beach!† He was yelling at a man I didn’t know, his face sheepish and cowed as he displayed what must have been today’s meager catch. I wondered if this was one of my sisters’ husbands. The man promised to do better and then scurried away. â€Å"Fa – Marthanes?† My father turned at my approach, and I tried not to gasp. Like Gaius, the years had carved away Marthanes the fisherman as well. How old would he be now? Sixties? Seventies? Time had grown blurred since I became immortal. â€Å"What do you want?† he snapped. â€Å"I’ve got no use for prostitutes anymore. Go down to Claudius if you’re looking for business. He hasn’t slept with his own wife in ten years. Not that I blame him. That woman’s a harpy.† Age might have grayed and thinned out his hair, lines might have creased his face†¦but my father’s tongue was still the same. â€Å"N-no. That’s not why I’m here. I met you†¦a few years ago.† He frowned, looking me up and down. â€Å"Never seen you in my life. Pretty sure I’d remember someone as tall as you.† As a succubus, I could change into any man’s fantasy, taking on the shape of a woman whose beauty transcended words. Yet, even with that ability, the old remarks about my height still stung. â€Å"Well, I remember you.† Seeing his eyes shift impatiently to his workers, I asked, â€Å"Do you know a musician named Kyriakos? He’d be my age – er, about thirty years older than me. He used to live south of town.† My father snorted. â€Å"That Kyriakos? He’s no musician. He took over his father’s business when he died. Does okay with it, even though the rates he demands for my fish are ridiculous.† â€Å"Does he still live in his same house?† â€Å"You mean his father’s house? Yes. Like you said, in the south.† My father’s restlessness was palpable now. He didn’t know me. He had no use for me. â€Å"Thank you,† I said. I was about to tell him it was nice to see him, as I had Gaius, but my father was gone before I could. With a heavy heart, I walked back through town but instead of heading south, I took a detour to my old home, wondering what I’d discover. What I found was my mother, hanging clothing outside, humming as she did. Off to the house’s side a middle-aged woman dug herbs out of the ground. It took me a few moments to recognize her as my younger sister. My mother’s face was different, but her kind eyes were still the same as she gave me directions to a place I already knew. My sister glanced up and watched a moment, then returned to her work. Neither recognized me. Just like with my father, I was a brief interruption to their day. I’d known this would happen. It was what I’d sold my soul for. My contract with Hell had erased all memories of me from everyone who had ever known me. The Oneroi had shown me a lie on my wedding day. I’d been a virgin, faithful to Kyriakos. But a couple years later, weakness had struck me. I’d betrayed him, and it had devastated him more than anyone could have imagined. He’d wanted to kill himself over the heartache, and only my bargain had saved him. That was the truth. Still†¦some part of me had thought maybe, just maybe someone might recognize me. Just the faintest spark of remembrance. Kyriakos could have been down near my father, overseeing his fleet, but something told me he’d be doing administrative tasks, not manual labor. My hunch was correct. Before I’d become a succubus, Kyriakos and I had had our own house. He must have moved back to his family’s home after Hell erased his memories. I braced myself to meet the lady of the house, the woman Kyriakos must have undoubtedly married. But when he came out to see who was visiting him, I found him alone. Seeing him made my heart stop. He too had been touched by age, but he was still young enough that the lines were few. Only the faintest of gray graced his hair, and like my mother, his eyes were the same. Dark and wonderful and full of goodness. â€Å"Do you need help?† he asked, voice friendly and curious. For a moment, I couldn’t speak. I was drunk from seeing him, filled with a mix of love and pain. I wished so badly that I had stayed with him, that I had never committed such sins. I wished I didn’t wear this youthful face. I should have grown old with him. My ability to conceive children had seemed sketchy at the time, but maybe we would have eventually had a family. Just like with everyone else, I claimed to need directions, stammering out the first random place I could think of. He described the way in detail, though I already knew it. â€Å"Do you want me to escort you there? This is a safe area†¦but you never know.† I smiled but felt no joy. The same Kyriakos. Infinitely kind to others, even a stranger. â€Å"I’ll be fine. I don’t want to take you from your work.† I hesitated. â€Å"We met†¦a few years ago.† â€Å"Did we?† He studied me, apparently searching for the memory. His eyes remained blank, though. No trace of recognition. I was a stranger. I had never existed for him. I wondered if he’d even remember me when I left here. He shook his head, sounding sincerely apologetic. â€Å"I’m sorry. I don’t recall it†¦.† He was waiting for my name. â€Å"Letha.† The word burned on my lips. Like this shape, the name was dead to me. Only Hell ever used it. â€Å"I’m sorry,† he said again. â€Å"It’s okay. Maybe I’m wrong. I thought†¦I thought you were a musician.† When we’d been married, he worked for his father but had hopes of giving that up and playing music full-time. Kyriakos chuckled. â€Å"Only as a hobby. Most of my days are hunched over numbers.† The loss of his ambition made me almost as sad as his lack of memory. â€Å"Well†¦your wife must be glad to have you home.† â€Å"Not married, I’m afraid.† He was still smiling. â€Å"My sister keeps house for me when she’s around.† â€Å"Not married?† I asked incredulously. â€Å"But why? At your age†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I blushed, realizing how rude I sounded. â€Å"I’m sorry.† He wasn’t offended. â€Å"At your age, marriage is all girls think about, huh? You probably have a dozen suitors with as pretty as you are.† Typical. Few had found me pretty while mortal; he had always believed me beautiful. â€Å"I just never found the right woman. I’d rather be alone than spend my life with the wrong person.† A dreamy, sad look filled his features, and then he shook his head and laughed. It was an uneasy laugh. â€Å"Anyway, you don’t want to hear some old man babbling about romantic nonsense. Are you sure you don’t want me to show you the way?† â€Å"No, no†¦I think I know where it’s at now. Thank you.† I started to turn away and then paused. â€Å"Kyriakos†¦are you†¦are you happy?† This question from someone less than half his age caught him by surprise. And I was surprised he answered. â€Å"Happy? Well†¦content, I guess. I have a good life. Better than most. A very good life, really. Sometimes I wonder†¦Ã¢â‚¬  My breath caught. â€Å"Wonder what?† â€Å"Nothing,† he said, giving me another good-natured smile. â€Å"More nonsense. Yes, Letha. I’m happy. Why do you want to know?† â€Å"Nonsense of my own,† I murmured. â€Å"And you’re sure you don’t remember me?† I had my answer before I spoke. No. Those eyes had never laid sight on me before. I was just an odd, passing girl. I was no one. â€Å"I’m sorry, I don’t.† He winked. â€Å"But I’ll remember you now.† Somehow, I doubted it. Leaving him, I felt my heart break. Really, my heart was breaking all the time. You’d think it could only happen once. This was what I’d wanted. What I’d gambled eternity for. Kyriakos was happy. I’d saved him and should be happy in return. Yet, I felt unhappier than I had since becoming a succubus. I decided at that moment I’d never use Letha’s shape or name again. I wanted to wipe her from my mind too†¦. â€Å"It’s so easy with you,† hissed the Oneroi. It was Two, I thought. I was back in the box. â€Å"We don’t even need the ivory gate.† I was so scarred from that memory of Kyriakos, by the truth of what it really meant to be erased from someone’s life, that I was inclined to agree with Two. Then, a tiny spark within me glimmered just a bit. I studied the two Oneroi carefully. â€Å"What was the other dream?† I asked. â€Å"Before the one about my husband? Why didn’t you let it finish?† â€Å"It did finish,† said One. Their blue, blue eyes were the same, revealing nothing. â€Å"It didn’t,† I argued. â€Å"You cut it off. It didn’t go the way you planned, did it? My friends found out something from Dante – something you didn’t want them to know.† â€Å"They found nothing,† Two replied. â€Å"It was a lie. We gave you false hope, hope that will turn to ashes when you find yourself spending the rest of eternity here.† â€Å"You’re the lie,† I said. The spark within my ragged, worn body flared just a little more. â€Å"The dream was true.† One continued the denial. â€Å"The only truth is that you can’t tell the difference. And that there is no hope.† â€Å"You’re lying,† I said, but as those cold sets of eyes surveyed me, my spark wavered. Uncertainty spread within me. I’d been through so much, a mental rape of sorts, that I questioned once more if I trusted myself. My words were bold, but I no longer knew if I could believe them. Two smiled, able to see into my mind. â€Å"Dream,† he said. How to cite Succubus Shadows Chapter 16, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Things fall Apart and Okonkwo free essay sample

Both the novel Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, and its main character Okonkwo closely adhere to the definitions of a classic Greek tragedy and a typical tragic hero. First of all, Okonkwo is a tragic hero by the Greek definition. While Okonkwo wasn’t born to a nobleman or king (as the definition of a tragic hero states), he was a man of high status and respect in his community, as Obierika stated near the end of the book. â€Å"That man was one of the greatest men in Umuofia. † (Achebe 208). Second, the novel follows the format of a Greek tragedy by presenting Okonkwo as a mixed character. He was a mixed character in that he was neither thoroughly good nor thoroughly bad. His good side was shown in the novel at times, like when it was shown that he wanted Nwoye to be manly only because â€Å"He wanted him to be a prosperous man. † (53). However, at other times, he was very misguided and wrong, which led him to make large mistakes with very negative repercussions. One example would be when Okonkwo’s youngest wife, Ojiugo had forgotten to make his lunch. â€Å"And when she returned he beat her very heavily. In his anger he had forgotten that it was the week of peace. † (29). This violent and misguided mistake shows the side of Okonkwo that we may not think of as the perfect hero, but this violent and angry side of him balances with the side that wants to see Nwoye succeed, which makes him a mixed character. The next component of both a tragic hero and the tragic hero’s story that Things Fall Apart adheres to is the tragic fall. Okonkwo’s tragic fall was killing Ikemefuna, his adopted son. This event was his tragic fall because it led to other events in his life such as killing the son of Ogbuefi Ezeudu (the reversal), and his eventual exile. Okonkwo’s friend Obierika even foreshadowed the significance and imminent downfall that would come of his killing of Ikemefuna when he told him that â€Å"What you have done will not please the earth. It is the kind of action for which the goddess wipes out whole families. † (67). So, because he killed his own adopted son, it was only fitting that the reversal of both Okonkwo and the story that follows him would be the fallout from accidentally killing another man’s son. This directly led to his seven-year exile from Umuofia. This could very easily be interpreted as the earth goddess’s punishment that Obierika spoke of. Okonkwo’s accidental killing of Ogbuefi Ezeudu’s son was the reversal of this story because as the definition of a reversal states, it did â€Å"catapult him from the heights of happiness to the depths of misery. † As stated by Achebe when Okonkwo arrived in Mbanta, â€Å"His life had been ruled by a great passion to become one of the lords of the clan. That had been his life-spring. And he had all but achieved it. Then everything had been broken. He had been cast out of his clan like a fish onto a dry, sandy beach, panting. † (131). A classic Greek tragedy typically has a main character with a tragic flaw. Things Fall Apart follows this classic formula in that Okonkwo’s tragic flaw was his persistent and lifelong fear of being considered a failure like his father. â€Å"But his whole life was dominated by fear, the fear of failure and of weakness. . . It was not external but lay deep within himself, lest he should be found to resemble his father. † (13). His flaw lived on throughout his entire life and the anger and fear of resembling his father eventually led to his own death. The next component of this story that makes Okonkwo a tragic hero is his hubris. Okonkwo’s hubris is that he believes that everything he does is right, and if someone does something he wouldn’t, it is considered wrong and weak. He is also arrogant and dismissive of others, especially those who contradict him. For example, â€Å"a man had contradicted him at a kindred meeting which they held to discuss the ancestral feast. Without looking at the man Okonkwo had said: ‘This meeting is for men. ’ The man who had contradicted him had no titles. That was why he had called him a woman. Okonkwo knew how to kill a man’s spirit. † (26). His dismissiveness towards this man is just one example of his hubris. The next part of a Greek tragedy, is the tragic hero’s moment of recognition of â€Å"the truth of his situation and/or of his identity. † Okonkwo’s moment of recognition came when he realized that his people weren’t going to fight back against the white men and their religion. The arrival of these foreigners and their strange religion had brought the death of his clan and way of life with them. â€Å"Okonkwo was deeply grieved. And it was not just a personal grief. He mourned for the clan, which he saw breaking up and falling apart, and he mourned for the warlike men of Umuofia, who had so unaccountably become soft like women. † (183). At this point in the story of Okonkwo, he realizes the grim truth about the fate of his culture and people. Finally, Things Fall Apart, the story of Okonkwo, adheres to the model of a classic Greek tragedy in that it has a final katharsis, or â€Å"tragic representation of suffering and defeat that leaves an audience feeling, not depressed, but relieved and even elevated,† (Greek tragedy and tragic hero explanation sheet). Things Fall Apart’s katharsis, or emotional relief came when Okonkwo killed himself. Although such an event may seem like something that would make the reader feel defeated and depressed, it was through his suicide that Okonkwo made one final protest or stand against the white man. His suicide also allowed him to escape his fate of being killed by the British, which shows us that although the destruction of the Ibo culture and way of life was imminent, there was still some spirit, some fight to retain their ways left among the defeated Ibo people. Things Fall Apart and it’s main character Okonkwo adhere to the definition of a Greek tragedy and tragic hero in that Okonkwo is a mixed character with a tragic flaw and hubris who experiences a tragic fall and reversal in his life, that leads to a moment of recognition and eventually, katharsis.

Monday, November 25, 2019

3 Amazing CoSchedule Features That Will Keep You Super Organized

3 Amazing Features That Will Keep You Super Organized If marketers have anything in common it’s that we all need fewer scheduling headaches and more free time. We need to stay organized, and that’s why we built in the first place. It’s also why we keep adding more time-saving features to your favorite editorial calendar. As we head into a new year of publishing, here are a few of our newest and most popular features that you should already be using to save time while staying organized. They are all new, and exclusively available in our newest set of plans.Feature #1: Google Chrome Extension Curate content from around the web and track it on your calendar. Our brand new Google Chrome Extension is the answer to one of our most requested features of all time. has always made it easy to schedule social media messages that promote your own content, but many marketers are also looking for an easier way to curate content from around the web. With our new extension, you can quickly add social messages from anywhere on the web to your calendar. Youll have a perfectly-tuned social media presence in no time. Can I tell you, I FREAKING LOVE ! Why didnt I jump on this MONTHS ago? Its SO awesome being able to just schedule this stuff and know that its going out,  that Im promoting, but dont have to be sitting on the computer (as I most often do) to do it!!! - Lynne Feifer Feature #2: Built-In Headline Analyzer Write the best headlines without ever leaving .  You know that headlines matter. They matter a lot. A well-optimized headline can get you more shares, retweets, clicks, likes, and loves. More importantly, a great headline can help you get the traffic you deserve for each and every post. At , we’ve collected data from millions of blog posts to  develop the internets leading Headline Analyzer Tool, and now that technology is built right into - saving you time, and making your marketing even better. As you are creating new blog posts and marketing content you can now score your overall headline quality in seconds and rate its ability to result in social shares, increased traffic, and SEO value. Headline Analyzer is awesome! Always more reasons to love .† - Danielle, Blue Kite Marketing Feature #3: Evernote + Google Docs FTW Write your content in Evernote (or Google Docs) and convert it into WordPress  with a single click.   The world of a marketer includes many tools- including a few that are specifically geared at content creation. We asked our customers what their most important editing tools were and both Google Docs and Evernote immediately jumped to the top of the list. During the past year, we’ve integrated with both.Now, allows you to connect your Evernote Notes or Google Docs directly to . To sweeten the deal, weve even built a way to convert those Notes (or docs) into real live WordPress blog posts. Simply click convert, and we’ll import all your formatting, text, and images directly into WordPress without skipping a beat. It’s the perfect integration to leverage some of your favorite tools, while saving tons of time in the process.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Segmentation and Targeting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Segmentation and Targeting - Essay Example Specific marketing cases Ford Escort is a car brand that was revitalized in 1982, adding Ford’s blue oval insignia for the first time in history alongside a newer frame. The brand was aimed at the sports car market, with a two-seater hatch for lower rooflines (University of southern California, 2010). These body features proved unsuccessful in the sports market and once again, the Ford escort was remodeled for the youth market. The escort brand introduced in the early nineties was a much lower-slung and casual car than either the sedan or wagon. The brand reinstated the Escort GT, as the company was more focused on providing an affordable product for the youths. The Lexus target market ranges for people around the age of forty, with a strong household salary. The luxury market back in 1989 had Lexus brands sell around 25,000 cars in hope of achieving a target of 65,000 cars. With the main rivals of Lexus being brands such as Mercedes Benz, the target market of majority of its brands is well-off customers (Anurit, Newman, And Chansarkar, 2006, p. 15). The choice of target market made by Ford while manufacturing the escort brand revolves around the model of product life sequence. This choice has an impact on its advertising and pricing strategies through marketing mix (University of southern California, 2010). Since Ford Escort is a commodity model of this specific industry, its price and mode of promotion is defined by the targeted market, breaking down the promotion procedures into stages. These stages have been used by Ford to realize the standard income made the youthful market and be able to set prices for the escort model. The choice of target market affected the pricing and advertising strategies of the Lexus vehicle brands through product positioning. Unlike Ford, Lexus fixed its models right before customers who could find them affordable, instead of directly looking the customers. Lexus believed their brand would sell in terms of benefits that ca n be offered to customers through new ways. This way, Lexus could always be affiliated with luxury living, creating a standard means of living able to be felt and understood by its customers. The effects of imposition of a new target market by Ford Escort would have multi-dimensional scaling (Anurit, Newman, And Chansarkar, 2006, p. 16). Market researchers working with ford have analyzed the relationship between introduction of new market targets and consumer perception. Mature Ford escort customers will be inclined to react pessimistically to the bringing in of a new market targets since the dimension the brand has been pursuing for the past twenty years will be altered. Customers will be looking forward to luxurious models of Ford Escort for new buyers (University of southern California, 2010). Therefore, Old buyers will flee the market in search of other affordable brands. The perspective of Lexus buyers will not make a big or significant change with the introduction of a new mar ket target. The brands made by Lexus already hold a luxurious perspective amongst all car buyers worldwide. Therefore, Lexus buyers already find the cars affordable and any significant changes that may occur might be due to the quality or features of new Lexus brands. The image of Ford has been tarnished after the economic downturn began in the European market. As a result, its market

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Literature - Essay Example Burke argues that in `Daddy’ Sylvie Plath proves otherwise. Security, or authority, as defined by Plath is an authoritarian state which is expressed in fascist and militaristic domination. Accordingly, Plath’s father is a Nazi soldier while she is a helpless Jew. This analogy depicts security at its most extreme but, as Plath proves, it can be escaped. Security can be escaped as it is a state of mind. In order for oppression/security to occur, the oppressed has to accept it. Plath’s rejection of her `father,’ and of his control establishes that escape from security is possible if the oppressed reject it. This is the manner in which Burke interprets Plath’s poem and, as earlier mentioned, it is an extremely interesting interpretation. Ramzani, a professor of English Literature, argues that several of Plath’s poems, and most especially `Daddy,’ are elegies, or poems of mourning. Ramzani acknowledges that her interpretation of Plath’s poem, `Daddy,’ will create a great deal of controversy for one simple reason. This reason is that, literary critics define elegies as poems of love in which a dead person is both honored and remembered. They are, in the tradition of poetic genres, among the most beautiful and, quite often, the most romantic. To suggest, therefore, the Plath’s `Daddy’ is an elegy, as were many of Milton’s and Shelley’s appears, therefore, to be based on a misinterpretation and misunderstanding of the characteristics of the elegiac genre. This criticism would only hold true if Plath were writing in the same era and tradition as Milton or Shelley but the fact that has to be taken into account is that she is a post-modern poet. In other words, the de finition and style of the elegy has changed. It is still a poem of communication with the dead and a poem of morning but, rather than express love, it can express rage. This is

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dining experience in a New York Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Dining experience in a New York - Essay Example The examination of Ninja New York is one which goes a step further with the services provided, not only for the taste and expectations in quality. This is furthered with creating a story behind the operations and management while displaying alternatives within the industry for those that are interested in the food and beverages. Examining how this particular operation has worked and the results which have occurred provide opportunities with those who are providing services in restaurants while examining challenges that this also creates. Analysis of Ninja New York The basis of Ninja New York immediately moves outside of the competition by creating a myth behind the food and beverages provided. The basis of this is to show a myth that is related to the ninjas in ancient civilization practicing until they found a secret and mythical village where they began to create magical and secret recipes. This main story line is able to build the main identity of the food and the approaches which are taken in the restaurant toward the food. The result is that the myth immediately creates a sense of curiosity and mystery toward the products provided while developing a brand image that stands ahead of other competitors that are also offering Eastern foods. The myth that is a part of this follows the understanding that the Ninja restaurant was already a part of Japan then was brought to New York. The result is the ability to create an atmosphere with the Japanese style of food. The restaurant does this by dividing the sections with the Ninja Village and the Rock Burn dining. This follows with the myth of the ninja, specifically with not making a mistake with the food otherwise one goes into the ninja chamber. These areas are designed specifically with the myth intact and to create an understanding of ancient Japan and how this relates to the food and beverages which are served. By doing this, there is an immediate expectation toward the quality of the food and the mystery whic h the restaurant has created behind this. The overall atmosphere which is created with Ninja New York follows with the expectations by the operations management to continue to create the atmosphere with the food and beverages as well as the presentation which one has. The training includes acting and moving like a ninja while serving others the food. There is also a training to study the menu ingredients, specifically because of the relationship to Japan that is created. The ninja food that is a part of the restaurant is based on having high quality food brought from Japan and which holds the same mystery and myth of the ninja concepts. The concepts include desserts, such as Ninja Art Desserts, including bonsai plants. The food and beverage continues with the right presentation and with being interactive, allowing the customers to move into the theme of the ninja arts through the food they are eating. For example, a dish made with crab and grapefruit has a sword in the middle. When this is pulled out, dry ice is released to make smoke. The ideas come from proposing creative ideas that move into the theme of the ninja, specifically which moves into the menu through a contest. The result is that the servers and chefs are able to become a part of the restaurant with the development of the food and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Case Study of Globalisation in Indonesia

Case Study of Globalisation in Indonesia Globalisation Globalisation encompasses increased international economic integration, evidenced by growing global markets, global resource flows, transnational corporations, global consumption patterns and intergovernmental agreements, resulting in economies becoming more interconnected through: Increased trade of GS globally Increased global flows of production factors or resources (foreign capital, labour, and technology) Increased foreign investments, resulting in technological transfers Increased private savings or finance globally Harmonisation of the business cycle for globalised economies Increased economic interdependencies Increased growth of size and quantity of TNCs with global operations Increased global consumer trends Increased inter-government consultations/agreements to manage economic contacts and disputes Globalisation has allowed the Indonesian economy to reform to be in accordance with competitive economic growth rates. Globalisation represented the catalyst for Indonesia’s sustained growth once the oil boom of the 1970s subsided, as it allowed international exporting of manufacturing goods, made possible by uniform technological advancement with strong economies, leading to a GDP drop of only 2.6%. Influence of Globalisation on the World Globalisation has had lasting impacts on the globally integrated economy regarding trade, global financial and investment flows, and transnational corporations. Global market growth is initially evident through growing trade links of GS between countries (incorporating consumer GS, capital goods and intermediate GS); as validated by increased global GDP from 12% in 1964 to 48% in 2010 for trading. Figure 1 – The Economy and Global Markets The table exposes globalisation through countries’ high trade dependencies (the importance of exports/imports compared to a nation’s GDP); with scattered countries withholding high trade dependencies, validating the presence of increasingly necessary global trade-flows (outliers affected by externalities including war/civil strife, increasing trade dependency). Globalisation is highlighted by the GFC affecting trade dependencies systematically, where all high dependency nations had lowered percentages, losing 20% a year following the GFC, but in 2011 all these nations’ trade dependencies began to harmonise again. Similarly, low trade dependency nations reduced in trade dependency in 2009, but re-harmonised in 2010. By the circular flow model, exports are injections into the flow, whilst imports are leakages. Thus, increased exports increases the total sales of firms, which motivates increased output and increased GDP. Increased GDP yields increased factors of production, which raises household income, further encouraging more consumption spending, and savings, with taxation revenue obtained by the government sector. Imports, contrastingly, increase access to more GS, and puts pressure on local firms to be more efficient as a means of competing with imports (a lack of competition will void efficiency and resources, leading to ceilings placed on the economy’s total supply). This is shown especially with technology, as a means to keep on par with high-income economies. Global financial flows undertook exponential increase from 1975 to the GFC due to globalisation, inducing: Expanding international trade equivalent twice real GDP growth Expanding international direct investments thrice real GDP growth (before 2001) Expanding international equity investment is ten times real GDP growth Increased global private capital-flows grew from 10% of GDP in 1990, to 32% of GDP in 2005 Figure 2  ­Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Global Capital Inflows $US billion Furthermore, the growth of private savings flows inter-economically is emphasised by: Direct Investments: A purchase allowing foreign investors to exercise control of foreign assets for future decisions. Portfolio Investments: A purchase of equity of foreign assets, but unlike direct investments, there is little control, growing more than direct investments, seen in Figure By the circular flow model, the inflow of these foreign savings increases local savings for financing investment expenditures. FDI promotes technological imports, increasing productive efficiency Due to globalisation, TNCs are able to create subsidiaries internationally to expand global production facilities. Figure 3 – Geographic Distribution of Foreign Subsidiaries of US-based TNCs Figure 3 highlights that coherent national links allows scattering of foreign subsidiaries, increasing high-income nations, increasing confidence of cultural integration of foreign subsidiaries, resulting in increased amount of financial resources due to increase in world GDP. Anti-trust legislations provide lesser ability to expand domestically, but provide incentives to grow via international expansion. Finally, globalisation pressures transnational management to achieve growth due to vast amounts of competition, by entering new markets. Economic Strategies Being Utilised Indonesia’s emerging economy is subject to economic strategies used as part of the globalisation process to promote economic growth and development, including exploitation of oil prices, forced structural change, export-oriented development strategy for non-oil sectors and IMF appeals. Suharto’s government (1967-1998) yielded abrupt changes in Indonesian economic development strategies to surmount government indebtedness, in attempts to increase investment levels for public and private economic sectors to achieve economic growth and development by expansion of heavy industries. In the 1970s, FDIs and foreign loans provided savings, with 50% of funds used for investments in the Indonesian non-oil sector. Suharto’s strategy, centric on labour intensive consumer goods manufactures (including textiles and clothing) instead of heavy industry, had been an import-substitution behind a protective tariff. Indonesia’s prevalent state-owned oil company: ‘Pertamina’ provided ~70% of total exports, with government-independent strategies to spend on steel mills and increase its foreign loans. The 2000% rise in oil prices from 1973 to mid-1980s resulted in exponential increase of oil and LNG export earnings from US$641m to US$10,600m. With vast funds, the Indonesian government realised many domestic private firm conglomerates expanded exponentially (aided by military, contracts, credit and restrictions on competition), leading to structural change with greater investments in heavy industries such as steel, petrochemicals, oil-refining, and plywo od industries possible by export restrictions of logs (validated by a $3899m increase in plywood exports from 1981 to 1996). Due to a subsiding oil boom, the Indonesian government prioritised non-oil exports, so foreign exchange earnings increased to sustain payments and government-sector debt pressures. This shifted focus of manufacturing sectors from domestic markets to export markets to satisfy this instability, aiming to: Increased rupiah devaluation to increase international competitiveness, resulting in decreased wage costs compared to nations including Thailand and Malaysia. Although, the devaluated rupiah results in more expensive imports and cheaper exports, motivating greater export quantities in labour intensive industries, predominantly clothing and textiles. Improved foreign savings access, leading to individuals in the 1990s with foreign investments exceeding US$50m was permitted complete foreign-ownership. Despite this, many foreign-restrictions remained including compulsory local partners, and lowered ownership shares for foreign firms within the joint venture as time progresses. Similarly, the strategy aims to decrease regulatory controls within private firms, motivating greater foreign savings access without government-control (unaffordable governmental trade obligations). Increased tariff reduction on goods to motivate cheaper inputs, increasing economic-efficiency, and motivating international negotiations so export markets are more accessible internationally. Deregulated financial sector to increase competition between dominant state-owned banks and newer domestic/foreign banks, to create private sector independence, achieving greater private investment expenditure than investment spending in the public sector by the 1990s. Due to financial institution debt issues and collapsing property booms within Indonesia, there was capital flight (when assets, money or resources quickly flow out of a country) and collapsed exchange rates with 14000 rupiah to each US$, developing into lacking foreign reserves and desperate appeals to the IMF. These pleas led to an IMF rehabilitation program: Rising interest rates to support the rupiah and to remain stable in the vastly expanding inflation rates (58.5$ in1998) Financial reforms, with dominant banks closing, others nationalised so the government was able to support it, to avoid medium-term collapse in credit availability, but exponential debt issues made this is a difficult issue to mitigate in the short term Rising unemployment due to collapsing credit, with real GDP falling 13.2% from 1998-99 Lowered government spending to alleviate pressures to remain dominant in food subsidies The Impacts of Globalisation on Indonesia Globalisation has impacted Indonesia’s emerging economy in its placement in the globalisation process, primarily inadvertently led by proposed economic strategies relating to primary export sectors, structural economic change and IMF rehabilitation. Figure 4: PERCENTAGE INDUSTRY CONTRIBUTIONS TO GDP OF INDONESIA Figure 4 highlights globalisation triggering increased oil prices and motivating a structural change, emphasised by a predominant mining sector growing until the early 1980s, with successful oil exporters hindered when world recession and inflation in stronger high income economies reduced oil demands during low 1980s. Lowered demand motivated replacements to oil and developing oil-saving technologies, shifting world-energy usages for the following two decades: increasing exports for alternative energy including coal for electricity and heating. Integrated global markets, for primarily fuels, yielded: Lowered export earnings due to lowering oil prices, which decreased by half in the low 1980s to 1986 (dropping to US$12/barrel) Lowered account balance from US$2.2b surplus to US$7.0b deficit from 1980 to 1983, increasing pressure on Indonesian currency (rupiah) and stability of foreign reserves, further disadvantaged by economic nationalism movements deterring FDIs. Government debt repayments grew US$933m from 1975 to 1985, increasing dependence on foreign aid and loans, diminishing effects of their financial export predicament. The predicament shone imperfections to Indonesia’s economic development strategies – unable to produce positive outcomes elsewhere within Eastern Asia, demonstrating that oil exports were unreliable for economic development and nationalism in being globally integrated. These unreliable economic-development-strategies were: Import-substitution strategy allowing public and private firms to develop coherent links with law-makers in low competition and high-protection business environments Military involvement within Parliament, granting specific business operations Attempted sustained economic growth up to the late 1990s and early 2000s from oil lacked cash inflow, leading to increased bureaucrats supporting economic reform, coming with greater influence as the Indonesian government pursued reliable economic strategies focusing on non-oil exports Figure 5: ECONOMIC GROWTH: ANNUAL CHANGE IN REAL GDP Indonesian growth 1991 onwards validates a link between oil’s global demand, and sustained economic growth correlating closely to Malaysia and Thailand, despite weak oil prices. Figure 6: GROWTH IN PRODUCTION, BY SECTOR, IN INDONESIA Figure 6 correlates to slower growth rates with the uprising mining sector from 1980 until early 2000s, accommodated by the AFC in 1997-1999 resulting in lowered GDP, but nonetheless, manufacturing reigned as the leading emerging economic sector from 1990-2002. This Indonesian financial crisis was motivated by centralisation of power within the Suharto government, leading to an undesirable focus of power on those within personal favour of his regime including the president and close family, leading to increased consumption of wasted funds and greater earnings from external, mostly illegal sources of activity. However, reforms in the financial sector during the mid-late 1990s (highly demanded by foreign aid donors), lead to unsustainable increases in deregulation, and increased avoidance to prudential regulation and build-up of private foreign sector debt, correlating to ‘boom-like property developments’, and hence a worsened financial problem for Indonesia on the basis of its coherence within the global market and its highly demanded exports. Due to globalisation, and other nations building upon Indonesia’s oil/non-oil exports, the outcomes of reforms were that private banks and governments responded more to induced pressure from lending negotiations, with the Central Bank/Bank of Indonesia supporting these lending banks through liquidity, with 60-70% liquidity credit siphoned off upon reaching these banks. Resultant of Thailand’s financial institution failure (sporadic lending on property development), and Indonesia’s cash demand, an increased flow of money from Thailand into Indonesia (due to close economic exporting ties), resulted in bank collapse and lowered exchange-rates, developing into business closures and lowered credit availability, meaning extreme unemployment within Indonesia, to which the IMF provided rehabilitation. The influx and dependence of currency from Thailand forced an increase in closure of small banks in early 1998, resultant from lending to their respective shareholders at unsustainable rates, forming non-performing loans unable to be repaid. Alongside foreign aid and loans, recapitalisation of banks costed 50% of Indonesia’s GDP in early 2000s. AVOIDING THE GFC – ECONOMIC STRATEGIES AND RESULTANT IMPACTS Increased resource demand from Indonesia to China, lead to an influx of funds promoting Indonesia’s economic growth, producing greater diversification of oil/gas exports, with 2008 bringing exports of 190m tonnes of coal, rivalled by Australia’s 126m tonnes. One of the leading environmental controversies arisen through Indonesian exports is palm oil (alongside China makes up a third of global imports), involving deforestation and peat burning, which forms greenhouse gases and has become Indonesia’s leading source of air pollution. With forest-derived products being a competitive industry due to its significance on Indonesia’s cash influx, illegal logging provided an unexpected ‘edge’ within competing businesses – with up to 73% of forestry products being manufactured from illegal manufacturing methods. Following economic recession of the AFC, Indonesia’s success during the GFC (shown in Figure 5) was due to: Less reliance on trade (exports pertaining to 30% of nominal GDP) especially between high income markets such as Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand Declining inflation motivated private consumption, accounting for ~60% of GDP Healthy harvests maintained higher income for farming jobs, increasing consumption Increased provision of economic stimuli motivated by political favour of the Democratic Party during 2009 elections, providing grants to 18.5m poor households with tax-cuts part of the fiscal stimulus package with lowered exports during the GFC. Since imports declined more than exports, net exports are the contributors to GDP growth. The government introduced pay-rises for civil servants to quicken budget expenditure to reduce risk in sudden investment declines in manufacturing industries. The resultant budget deficit in 2009 was ~2.6% of GDP Emphasis on exports in Indonesia meant that stimulus distributed within China temporarily recovered the flow of resource income as prices and quantity of exports recovered Indonesian banks were motivated by the 3.0% lowered interest rates, meaning increased repaid loans, reduced lending availability and decreased credit demand. Negotiating with China, loan/swaps were achieved (exchanging cash flows) such that Indonesia was protected from sudden outflows of savings or lacking borrowing ability of banks

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Surrealism and Salvador Dali Essay -- Art Artists

Surrealism and Salvador Dali   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Surrealism is defined as an art style developed in the 1920's in Europe, characterized by using the subconscious as a source of creativity to liberate pictorial subjects and ideas. Surrealist paintings often depict unexpected or irrational objects in an atmosphere or fantasy , creating a dreamlike scenario ( 2004). The word Surrealism was created in 1917 by the writer Guillaune Apollinaire. He used it to describe two instances of artistic innovation ( Bradley 6). In 1924, in the Manifeste du Surrealisme which launched the surrealist movement, the writer Andre Brenton and his friend Philippe Soupault adopted the word,â€Å"baptized by the name of Surrealism the new mode of expression which we had at our disposal and which we wished to pass on to our friends.† Brenton adopted the word Surrealism to describe the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2 literary and artistic practice of himself and his â€Å"friends.† Some examples of Surrealist art are; M.C. Escher’s â€Å"Drawing Hands,† Salvador Dali’s â€Å"The Persistence of Memory,† (1931) , and Salvador Dali’s â€Å"Remorse.† (1931)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of Dali’s more famous paintings, â€Å"The Persistence of Memory,† was first shown June 1931 at The Pierre Cole Gallery in Paris. Essentially the soft watches demonstrate that one aspect of the paranoiac critical method is it’s capacity to link objects to qualities normally associated with other, completely different , elements .Dali painted the setting first, a deserted landscape at Port Lligat where he and Gala had bought a fisherman’s hut the previous summer. in the foreground the self-portrait motif reappears in the form of a foetus abandoned on a beach. This refers to Dali’s professed memories of intrauterine life and suggests the trauma of birth. A watch sagging across the foetus and another hanging from a plinth evoke the feelings of timelessness associated with the experience or pre- birth. The title of the painting thus refers to prenatal memories and it’s subject is â€Å"the horrible traumatism of birth by which we are expunged from paradise†. The title   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3 also refers to Gala’s response when Dali asked her whether in three years ti... All material displayed or broadcasted from this website are under strict copyright regulations.  © Copyright 2002 - The Salvador Dalà ­ Museum - All Rights Reserved. Text from "ART20, The Thames and Hudson Multimedia Dictionary of Modern Art.† Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge Grolier Inc. Danbury Connecticut, 1993 . issue #18. Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge Grolier Inc. Danbury Connecticut, 1993 . vol. 1 issue #5. Etherington-Smith, Meredith The Persistence of Memory: A Biography of Dali. N.Y. , Da Capo Press, 1995.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   13 Andrews, Wayne The Surrealist Parade N.Y. , New Directions Publishing Corp. , 1988.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bradley, Fiona Surrealism Cambridge university Press. United Kingdom, 1997. Waldes, Teresa Great Modern Masters Dali Harry n Abrams inc Publishers. Spain, 1994. Stich, Sildra Anxious Visions Abbeville Publishers. N.Y., 1990. WWW.NYTIMES.COM copyright 2005. WWW.ProgressiveArt.COM copyright 2005.